
Duplicate Strabismus

Apparently, there are no good ideas left in Hollywood. While at a movie today, I saw a preview for a Smurfs film. This, on the heels of finding out that the Karate Kid has been re-made. Hawaii Five-O and The A-Team also have been "updated" and I figure we have to be just a few short months away from this being re-done with the cast from Twilight (which will force me to light myself on fire).

Or, I will just end up cross-eyed and blind thanks to the concerted effort to make everything on a screen appear in 3-D. Honestly, why in the world would I want to come home and put glasses on so I can watch TV in my own house? Ridiculous.

Hey, look at the guy in the sombrero!


The Shrieking

When did the NBA start borrowing from women's tennis? Over and over again during the 2010 Finals, I hear very large men yelping any time a little contact is made. We have flopping and flailing and Rasheed Wallace always just a moment away from this. (Of course, NBA officiating is basically always terrible.)

The NBA...where annoying happens.
